Why Study Geochemistry at Montana Tech? 

Our geochemists go on to enroll in PhD 程序s, work in industry as environmental consultants and lab technicians, and become government geochemists. There are also interdisciplinary MS options available.

您将从我们致力于学生学习的专业地球化学教师那里学习. 他们有多年的实地、研究和教学经验. 这些专家十大可靠彩票平台通过将具有挑战性的研究课题与课程材料相结合,确保您获得地球化学方面的相关教育.

 State-of-the-Art Labs & 设备

通过地球化学学位课程,使用最先进的分析方法,获得操作复杂仪器所需的先进知识和技能, 实验室, 现场设备. 你可以在实验课上使用仪器,并有机会协助教师进行创新研究项目.

Chemistry Internships

通过在多个就业领域的各种地球化学实习,获得更多的实践经验. As an in-demand geochemistry student at Montana Tech, you’ll have your pick of top internships in your area of interest.


同时从自己的研究和学习中体验地球化学, 你也将有无数的机会享受蒙大拿州的户外美景,无论是在比尤内外还是在整个州. 蒙大拿西南部是滑雪、温泉、飞钓、山地自行车、徒步旅行和露营的故乡.


合格的菲律宾十大彩票平台学院本科生有机会获得加速硕士学位.S. 学位 by getting a jump start on required graduate coursework. 精心设计,将合格的研究生水平的课程纳入本科课程将导致加速的硕士学位.S. 学位. 大多数学生在五年内获得硕士和学士学位. 

Study Geochemistry and Have Fun Too

Get involved in various clubs and organizations 在校园. 蒙大拿也有大量的户外活动,让你在课外忙碌. Ski at nearby resorts or in the backcountry. Enjoy southwest Montana’s hot springs. Hike the Great Divide and other trails. Fish in pristine mountain streams.

Be Ready for a Career in Geochemistry

通过我们严格的地球化学学位,您不仅可以获得成功所需的知识和技能. 你还将培养雇主所需要的沟通、人际关系和项目管理技能. 来自菲律宾十大彩票平台学院 engaged chemistry faculty to 职业服务, you’ll have the resources, 支持, 你需要这些关系来获得梦寐以求的实习和工作,并获得地球化学领域的高薪.

招生 Requirements

你必须拿B.S. in chemistry, geology, or any science or engineering. An undergraduate background of inorganic, 分析, organic and physical chemistry, physical and historical geology, 岩石学, 和矿物学是必修的,或者这些本科背景课程中的一些可以在菲律宾十大彩票平台大学研究生院的第一年学习,这取决于之前的本科专业.

Thesis and Non-Thesis Options



Engaged 教师 with Experience


$79,760 per year average annual salary


6% annual growth in career field

About average for all careers 

Discover Your Passion at Montana Tech
See why geochemistry students choose Montana Tech.


地球化学是一个跨学科的研究领域,其中化学科学被用来解决地球科学问题. 研究领域包括地球生物化学的所有主题, to water/rock/microbe interactions, thermodynamics of natural systems, coevolution of geochemistry and life, thermodynamics of minerals, and migration of pollutant species in soil and water.

What Kinds of Jobs do Geochemistry Graduates Get? 

Many of our graduates continue their graduate work in a Ph.D. 程序. 其他毕业生在蒙大拿州矿业和地质局等各种组织找到了工作, Montana State Department of Environmental Quality, 铜的环境, 能源实验室, the Pegasus Gold Corp., Applied Technology, Inc., Chemex Labs, The Atlantic Richfield Chemical Co.马拉松石油公司., Westinghouse, GeoEngineers Inc., and American Geochemist Corp.

Explore Classes in Geochemistry 

学生将在化学和环境地球化学方面获得扎实的基础知识和实践知识,并可以在各种各样的地球化学/环境主题中选择论文主题. In addition, students are required to take three seminar classes, CHMY 594 (Graduate Geochemistry Seminar), TC 5150 (Graduate Writing Seminar),  and eitherGSCI 5940(研究生工程研讨会)或NRSM 594(修复研讨会). 

Learn More About Geochemistry at Montana Tech

Meet faculty, explore our research expertise, and more.


Get semester-by-semester info about geochemistry courses.


See recent and ongoing research.

Earth Science and 工程, Ph.D.

Become an expert in the geo科学. 毕业生将从事许多对蒙大拿州很重要的职业.

Hand using a brush a dirt wall
Geoscience, 地质 Option, M.S.


Man in a computer lab looking at two monitors
Geoscience, Geophysics Option, M.S.



We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. Alysia考克斯
(406) 496-4185